Изумителната физическа трансформация на Клои Кардашиян

| от chronicle.bg |

Клои Кардашиян е една от кралиците на Instagram. Една от сестрите от известната фамилия реши да сподели изумителната си физическа трансформация с огромната си фен база в Instagram, наброявайки над 71 милиона последователи.

„Животът ми се промени драстично преди няколко години, когато реших да спра просто да съществувам и да започна да живея, без значение кой какво говори за мен“, написа Клои в Instagram, качвайки колаж на „преди“ и „сега“.

✨Sometimes it’s hard for me to post these transformation posts only because I can’t imagine my life being this unhealthy again. Never would I ever consider myself fat, But I would consider myself unhealthy mentally/physically and not knowing my true value. Mind, body and soul. For me, my transformation journey started from within. I needed to heal myself from the inside out. Once I started putting myself first, everything started falling into place. My life transformed a few years ago when I made the decision to stop existing and start living. I decided when I was ready regardless of what anybody else was saying about me. Regardless of the pressures. I had to do this on my terms or I knew it wouldn’t last. It’s ok to take the control back. Choose your life. Don’t let anybody else decide for you! We are no victims to life but we can become victims and prisoners to the people that we choose to surround ourselves with if we allow them to break us and consume us. Never be afraid to put yourself first! Never choose comfort over your own well-being! Never forget that fate loves the fearless! Today’s wisdom was yesterday’s pain. Tomorrow’s happiness is today’s bravery! I am so proud of myself for being stronger than I’ve ever been-mind body and soul. I am even prouder of myself that I’ve been able to maintain a healthy lifestyle for so many years. I broke that cycle and I’m happier than I have ever been! You can do this!! Start from within and nothing can stop you. Elevate yourself- mind body and soul ✨

Публикация, споделена от Khloé (@khloekardashian) на

Постът й вече има над 2 млн. харесвания, а снимката е част от тренда Revenge Body, чиято цел е да подтикне хора да влязат във форма чрез спорт и здравословно хранене.

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